Pre Primary School in  - MKH

Principal Message of Best kids Home in Guwahati


Miss. Barnali Talukdar


It gives me immense pleasure to write about MKH Barsajai Guwahati. MKH envisions a holistic growth for the child when the teaching learning process has flexibility, vibrancy and touch of human values. I envision its students to be well rounded , confident and responsible individuals who aspire to achieve their full potential.

Kids always do best when they are happy and interested. so we try to provide exceptional care to children by offering a safe, welcoming, happy and supportive learning environment. A child friendly environment is created that is safe and sound, secure,caring and stimulating that enhances an all round development through a playful and fun filled curriculum. Regular monitoring and planning takes place for each child's progress.A unique education system is introduced which values each child as a unique individual and also work for it.A loving and caring environment is created where a child can express his or her feelings , ideas and beliefs, where each child's potential can be realised and nurtured for further progress . Our mission is not only to impart book based knowledge but to imprint in the minds of our students with true human values and moral ethics, so that they in turn can contribute towards social progress and establish themselves as a responsible citizen and true human resource . VASUDHAIVA KUTUMBAKAM - The world is one family.

Maharishi Kids Home is an ideal field to carve out a human being who understands the true meaning of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam - the world is one single family, so that one does not look down upon anyone but rather treat all equally. This consciousness helps in developing among our students a healthy attitude towards his fellow being.

Maharishi Kids Home is the blissful garden of freedom,a safe-secure place where the child can feel free to be himself. MKH envisages a beautiful foundation for the child, a garden of love and care and joy. In the words of His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Ji," Expansion of happiness is the purpose of life.."

With Sincere regards
Head Mistress

Why Choose US

  • Escorted Cab Available.
  • Inculcation of Best Tradition .
  • Hobby Club.
  • A Play School
  • Play & Learn.

MKH Branches

Maharishi Kids Home


Contact Us


: Lalmati, Bikash Nagar , Borsajai , Bylane, Jyoti Path, House No. 7 ,Guwahati (Assam), India 781029

: - 7086086060 / 9864048883

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